What DOES the future look like? for the Church…

What DOES the future look like? for the Church…

I have been wrestling with how the Church comes through these days that we’re in. And, more specifically, how does our church navigate in, through, and beyond this rare circumstance? As a leader I believe God has me here from a reason…now. It was in His sovereign plan to have me, as well as every other pastor, in this position for a reason. It is both humbling and exhilarating. In the article below there was a paragraph that jumped out at me.

“As a bearer of God’s image in a position of leadership, this season of crisis is part of your story. It’s what you’ve been called to and have been training for — for years, if not decades. Relish the opportunity every morning to use your gifts for the sake of others today. You are an essentialist now.”

No pressure right?! I would ask, that if you are reading this, that you pray for me. Pray that God gives me the wisdom to lead those he has put under my care. Pray for our church. We will need to see where God wants us to grow, change, adapt, reach beyond what is comfortable, and do it all for the good of His Kingdom and for the sake of His Name. And pray for those that God will use through this to reach those that still need to come to a saving relationship with Jesus. And for those God puts in our path. May they be a fertile, cultivated ground, ready to receive the Good News!
