Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Eagerly Waiting in Hope

Our adoption into God’s family has us in a place of “already, but not yet fully.” Paul encourages us to wait in hope of what is to come. Even in our suffering there is a hope that outshines our circumstances!

Being Led by the Spirit

Imagine how powerful a story it would be if one who used to be a lifelong slave was now adopted into the family of a King!Paul says in Romans 8:12-17 that is exactly what happens to us when we come out from under the control of our flesh and are led by the Spirit.

Setting a New Course

Where you and I have our minds focused will determine the the journey of our lives and the outcome of it as well. Paul describes two types of people and the two pathways that they walk in Romans 8:5-11. Both pathways are controlled by something/someone, but only one way leads to life and peace!

The Best NO to Know

The word “no” often means something negative. But Paul’s use of the word in Romans 8:1 is a powerful, positive use that we need to fully grasp!

The Battle Ground of the Soul

Is there a way to overcome the constant battle within us between good and evil? Will there be a victor that comes out on top? Paul has something to say about the matter in Romans 7:14-25. In fact it’s really Good News!

Isn’t the Law Good?

Paul said in Romans 6:14 that we “are not under law but under grace.” And now in Romans 7:4 that have “died to the law in the body of Christ,”.So what do we make of the law of God and what purpose does it have for us today? Join us as we look at the first half of Romans 7 as we continue to look at the Power of The Gospel.

You Will Always Be a Slave

From the dawn of time mankind has been faced with choices, and with those choices comes varying results.The enemy of our souls wishes to enslave us in our passions and desires, while the Shepherd of our souls wishes to set us free.The choice is yours to make, but, only the choice to be in Christ will lead to life and freedom.

When Sin is Put to Death

With sin still present in or world, even in our own lives, how are we to view our sin? How do we come out from under the burden of our sin?Paul gives us some very helpful perspectives and ways to train our minds on the matter in Romans 6
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